terça-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2014


An ambitious four-part documentary on the history and cultural significance of sampling and collaborative creation. The latest installment covers the three basic elements of creativity and explores how innovations emerge.

  • by Kirby Ferguson

  • Everything is a Remix is produced by Kirby Ferguson, a New York-based filmmaker.
    Ferguson examines modern attitudes toward intellectual property and how these attitudes rather counterintuitively stifle creativity rather than fostering it.
    He illustrates the interconnectedness of our creations and how current laws and norms miss this essential truth.
    "The hard truth is that most creations are worthless immediately. Most books, films, albums, computer applications, or whatever else are met with not just indifference but disuse.
    They basically aren’t read, aren’t viewed, aren’t used. Of the lucky ones that find a modest audience, almost all of those fall into obscurity within a few decades.
    Only a slim minority of works have commercial value after that and current copyright legislation is clearly written for this tiny group. Copyleft activists sometimes refer to this segment as the 'lottery winners'."

PART 1 - http://vimeo.com/14912890

PART 2 - http://vimeo.com/19447662

PART 3 - http://vimeo.com/25380454

PART 4 - http://vimeo.com/36881035

Copy, transform, combine—according to documentary director and writer Kirby Ferguson, these are the concepts underpinning all creativity. “Everything is a remix,” Ferguson declared on the TEDGlobal stage, expressing his belief that the ultimate driver of progress in the arts, technology, and society is borrowing from others. As the free flow of Internet culture persistently collides with patents, copyrights, and our understanding of intellectual ownership, Ferguson reminds us that although the mash-up might seem a relatively new phenomenon, the ethos behind it is not. He recently spoke with TED.com staff writer Ben Lillie.




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